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This is the original output transformer for the famous and legendary Supro Thunderbolt amplifier! This is hot off our assembly lines again after more than 40 years. We were the main original transformer supplier for Valco from 1950 to 1965, therefore this is a true Magnetic Components, Inc. vintage original transformer. We are proud to bring these to you again. Made according to our original specifications we just recently found in our engineering archives. This is a great vintage era type constructed, paper layer wound output transformer!
Series: Vintage
Amps Used In:Valco* 6420B, Valco* "Gretsch" G6157 & G6199 Fury, Valco* "Airline" 62-9020A, GIM-9151A , GVC-9027A, Valco* "Supro" S6420 Thunderbolt, S6699 Statesman, S6625
For Reference Only:3778, T-3778, E-3778A, 340-8 & 340-3778
Made by Magnetic Components Inc. Right here in Chicago USA....
Triode, USA
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