DIY Build or Rebuild Kit for a Marshall JCM800 2204a. Your Marshall Kit will make you a Classic Amp, and provide years of reliable service. The kit includes a High Quality, Handmade in USA Turret Board, Mallory 150 series capacitors, High Quality Resistors, Alpha Potentiometers, Knobs, Belton Sockets, Cliff Jacks, Standard Impedance Switch, "Jewel" style pilot light, Fuse Holder, Power Cord, the Marshall style 50W power transformer US18023, Output Transformer US18025, and Choke are made in USA. The power transformer has multiple primaries 120/220/240V. The output transformer has outputs for 4, 8, & 16 ohms. We will also include all the Cloth Push-Back Wire you need to do the job, plus Shielded Wire. Tear the guts out of that solid state combo or cruddy head and build this inside. (Does not match our Version 2 chassis) Great for rebuilds and DIY Builds. All you need is a Chassis, Cabinet, & Speaker and some hardware!!! Brown is comin to town....
Transformers are warranted by the manufacturer against defects of materials & workmanship for 6 months from date of purchase. Warm up that soldering Iron!!!
If you purchase this kit "With Tubes" you will receive: EL34 Matched Pair & 12AX7 x 3pcs.