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A new power transformer for single-ended tube power amplifiers such as Tweed 5F2 Princeton and 5F1 Champ clones and similar amplifiers ( typically using a single 6V6 or EL84 tube).
Brand new production, Made in USA!
This is the same electrically & dimensionally as a regular Tweed Princeton transformer except a center tap has been added to the 6.3 volt winding to ground the filaments and a 60V bias tap has been added to facilitate the use of fixed rather than cathode bias if you'd like (if you don't want to use it, just tape up & ignore). Primary 117VAC 60 Hz, Secondaries 650V (325-0-325V) at 70 ma with 60V bias tap,, 5 volt at 3 amps, 6.3 volts center tapped at 2 amps.
This type of transformer is typically used with single-ended amplifiers with tube types such as 6BQ5/EL84, 6V6-GT, 6AQ5, 6BM8/ECL82, 6973, etc, however there's enough filament juice to handle 6L6's so long as you make the cathode-bias resistor or fixed-bias voltage such that the tube doesn't draw over 60 ma or so.
Height 3 inches (74 mm) width 2 1/2 inches (65 mm), depth over covers 3 inches (74 mm), bolt mounting centers are 2 inches (102 mm) X 2 inches.
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