ECC99 JJ Tesla Tube A new tube recently introduced by Tesla/JJ, combines electrical characteristics similar to 7119/E182CC (high transconductance and low plate resistance) with a pinout the same as 12AU7/ECC82 or 12BH7. Can be used in place of 12AU7 or 12BH7 in certain applications (like our Dynaco boards).

|  | 6N1P Russia Tube - A tube with characteristics similar to (lower Gm and more filament current) 6922 and 6DJ8. Note that ALL 6N1P are made by the Voskhod factory no matter how they're labelled & marketed in the USA!

6H2P 6H2N -EB 6N2P Russian Tube 6H2P-EB tube of the type used in Red Bear guitar amps. Except for the 6.3v only filament, this tube has pinout and characteristics similar to 12AX7/ECC83. Sometimes called 6N2 (Russian H = English N)

|  | 6H30PI SOVTEK Tube A tube released by Sovtek, frame grid tube with characteristics reminiscent of E182CC, with a very low plate resistance. Used in certain models of BAT preamps.
6H30 PI
Super linear-military, mid mu dual triode preamp/driver

Winged-C 6P1P-EB Tube Quality Russian made 6P1P. Electrical equivalent to the 6AQ5 / EL90, though the pin-out differs.
