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Note that for conventional chassis mounting(with screws and nuts), Amphenol Type S Sockets require the mounting plate listed here.
The 86-3-13 and 86-3-24 covers may be used with Type S sockets and 86CP type plugs for making "umbilical cords",
see under "Amphenol" for the covers.
Note that for items noted as NOS (New Old Stock, meaning not currently manufactured), quantities may be limited to stock on hand.
 | 4 pin wafer ceramic socket Fits tubes such as 2A3, 45, 300B, 811A, 572B, etc. Chinese made copy of EF Johnson 4 pin socket.

|  | 5 pin wafer ceramic socket Fits tubes such as 807, 27, and 76. Chinese made copy of EF Johnson 5 pin socket.

|  |  | Octal Johnson style Ceramic Wafer Socket Same syle as 4 & 5 pin ceramic wafer sockets. Fits on
1 3/4 inch mounting hole centers.
Limited to supply on hand.

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