5AR4/GZ34 5BC3 5R4 5U4-G/GB 5V4-G 5Y3-GT 
<br>6AU4 6AX5-Gt 6BW4 6CA4/EZ81 6V4/EZ80 
<br>6X4/EZ90 6X5GT/EZ35 12X4

Rectifier Tubes.... where country of origin not specified, new old stock tubes are supplied, please enquire if you want to know exact brands & origin of stock on hand.

5AR4/GZ34 Sovtek-Russia A new, improved 5AR4/GZ34 from Sovtek..

5R4-WGB USA (Cetron) Same as used in B52-B bombers. Replaces 5R4-GY, GYA & GYB but has a heavy-duty "high-wall" hi-temp base and extra thick glass. Very unique looking tube.

Rectifier Tubes rectub5u45ar

5AR4 GZ34 Tesla/JJ Tube5AR4 GZ34 Tesla/JJ Tube
5AR4 GZ34 by JJ-Electronic.

5U4 USA NOS tube Various Brands
5U4 USA NOS tube Various Brands 5U4USA$29.95
Click to enlarge6AX5 GT USA Made NOS Tube
6AX5GT USA Made NOS Tube Various Brands

JJ / Tesla EZ81 6CA4 Rectifier TubeJJ / Tesla EZ81 6CA4 Rectifier Tube
New version of EZ81/6CA4 by Telsa/JJ-Electronic. High Quality, & Very Dependable!

EZ80 6V4 Rectifier Tube NOS
6V4 EZ80 Rectifier Tube, NOS.

6X4 NOS Tube 6X4 NOS Tube
Various USA nice new old stock 6X4/EZ90's. Replace all 6X4,6X4W,6X4WA, EZ90 tubes

6X5GT  NOS Tube Various brands6X5GT NOS Tube Various brands
Nice NOS 6X5 tube, various brands.

RCA 5R4 GYB NOS USA tube, limited quantity available.

RCA 5R4 GYB NOS USA tube rca5r4gb$44.95
12X4 Rectifier Tube12X4 Rectifier Tube
12x4 tube, used in the Dynaco PAS Preamps.

Solid State Plug in Rectifier 5U4 5AR4 5Y3
This is great for those who want to try solid state rectification, without any modifications or soldering. Just plug in, rebias, and enjoy. If you are replacing a 5AR4 let the tubes warm up a little before applying signal. Makes it easy to change between tube and solid state rectification.

Solid State Rectifier Direct plug-in replacement for 5AR4, 5U4 and 5Y3 rectifier tubes in amplifiers with center tapped secondary power transformer.

Use when less 'sag' is desired in the power supply; just switch back to the tube rectifier when 'sag' is desired.

NOTE! Because there is no warm up of a rectifier tube when using this solid state device, it is critical that a standby switch is used that will allow the power tube filaments to warm up and generate an electron 'cloud' around the cathode before high voltage is applied. This will prevent 'cathode stripping' in the power tubes. It is a good idea to use a standby switch when using vacuum tube rectification, but it is critical when using solid state rectification.


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