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A new single-ended output transformer with a 8000 ohm (8K)
primary and both 4 and 8 ohm secondary connections.
Brand new production, MADE IN USA.
A bolt-on replacement for Fender Champs, but also useful for many do-it-yourself projects and repairs on vintage amplfiers & radios. Typically used with tubes such as 6BQ5/EL84, 6BM8/ECL82, 6AQ5/EL90, 6CM6, 6V6-GT.
Now you can use a wide range of 8 ohm speakers in the ubiquitous Fender Champ, without drilling or hacking up your amp. TF103-48 bolts into the same 2 inch (52mm) OR 2 3/8 inch (61mm) mounting hole centers as the original Champ output transformer , but it has both 4 & 8 ohm output taps. The 2 inch version is little taller than the original so we could use a larger transformer core, thus helping out the low frequency response as well.
This latest version now includes a screen tap for optional pseudo-triode "ultralinear" operation. If you don't need it, just tape up the extra wire.
Transformer is rated 100 Hz to 20 KHz -2 dB at 5 watts with 50mA (maximum recommended) primary current. Reducing primary current improves the bandwidth ,because this is a single ended transformer.
TF103-48 is now available with EITHER 2 3/8 inch mounting hole centers (fits silverface & blackface Champs from 60's & 70's) or 2 inch mounting hole centers (fits later model Champs). Check the distance between the transformer mounting bolts on your amp before ordering.
For Do It Yourself projects, just use whichever mounting dimension is easier to use for your project, there's no electrical difference between the two.
Specifications Specifications
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