Kit version a TW Express style amplifier. One of the most touch sensitive high gain circuits ever designed. While the control layout may seem minimalistic (Volume, Treble, Mid, Bass, Presence), this amplifier is certainly not a one trick pony. The beauty of its design is how easily you can alter the sonic response with your guitar alone. By using pickup selection, and tweaking your volume & tone controls, you can easily dial in your perfect tone on the fly. Unlike most amplifiers that sound weak and muddy when your guitar's volume control is rolled back, the Express retains nearly all of it's volume, and your guitar's volume control acts more like a gain control. If you're using a guitar with Les Paul style controls, by rolling back the volume on your neck pickup, you can use your pickup selector to toggle between shimmering clean (neck), and searing lead (bridge) tones.
The kit includes a High Quality, Handmade in USA Turret Board set, Mallory 150 series (or Sprague Orange Drop) Coupling Capacitors, Power Supply, Bias Supply, and Bypass Caps. High Quality Carbon Film Resistors, Alpha Potentiometers, Belton Sockets (with shields & base clips), Cliff Jacks, NKK Impedance Selector Switch, Fuse Holder, Power Cord, Power Transformer, and Output Transformer. Transformers are made in USA! The power transformer has a dual primary of 120/240V. The output transformer has outputs for 4, 8, & 16 ohms. We will also include all the Cloth Push-Back Wire you need to do the job. CHASSIS IS INCLUDED.
Please note that this kit is intended for the intermediate to experienced builder. While the circuit may seem fairly simple, high gain amplifiers such as this require a great attention to detail and clean lead dress. The power supply caps in this kit should be secured to the chassis and stacked using a silicone caulk (just like the original amplifier). This type of caulk can be easily found at most home improvement stores.
If you purchase this kit "With Tubes" you will receive: JJ EL34 Matched Pair, & JJ ECC83/12AX7 x 3pcs.